Our intensive mentoring programme targets and supports emotionally and behaviourally challenged young people between the ages of 11-18 within and around the Croydon borough. This is on a one-to-one basis.
Ment4 receives referrals from YOS, Social Services, PRUs and Mainstream schools across the borough. Our online portal also welcomes referrals directly from Parents and Carers.
The aim of the intervention is for the mentor to become a significant adult and role model in the young person's life in order to positively change their behavioural responses, attitudes towards life, and deter them from anti-social activity. The programme will equip YPs with new thinking skills, and support them with essential life needs (including housing, finance, mental health, and access to other services).
The project will build and maintain healthy relationships and provide constructive pathways that offer challenging youth with an alternative lifestyle/role in society. These practical alternatives will deter YPS from negative choices that lead to committing crime due to multifaceted challenges, including association with negative peer groups, lack of access to finance, lack of positive self-perception/self-esteem and a lack of integration with society. Our plan is to inspire and redirect every young person we come in contact with.

Key Highlights:
Between 5-10 hours a week of mentoring engagement.
In-school or after-school hour approaches.
Inspiring trip opportunities.
Over the course of 4-6 months (recommended).
Career and Job Support (CV Writing/Work Experience).
Free Gym access.
Mentored by an Inspiring Role Model.
A Personal Growth Plan